A large black ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style

large ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style .jpg
large ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style (2).jpg
large ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style (3).jpg
large ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style (4).jpg
large ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style (5).jpg
large ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style .jpg
large ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style (2).jpg
large ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style (3).jpg
large ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style (4).jpg
large ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style (5).jpg

A large black ceramic jar with faces in the fornasetti style


Dimensions: Diameter of 27 x H 54 cm

All dimensions approx.

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